In this last part of the series, we will configure VS Code and add plugins to allow connection to projects on our Ubuntu virtual machine. Photo by Thomas Tastet [
A collection of 4 posts
2021 Linux VM Setup: Part 4 - zsh, VS Code & Terminal Customisation on Ubuntu 20.04
In this part of this series, lets change our bash shell to zsh and customise the terminal with colours, fonts and plugins. Photo by Nick Karvounis [] / Unsplash
Moving from WSL 2, back to Hyper-V VMs
I gave WSL 2 [] a go in 2020 and initially thought it was great, but soon started to notice some issues. Some package installs just didn't play well, for example MongoDB, and
2021 Linux VM Setup: Part 1 - How to install Ubuntu 20.04 on a laptop with Windows 10 Hyper-V
There's a few tricks to getting a Linux VM development environment working on a Windows 10 laptop properly, here's my process.